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Showing articles tagged ShowingTime

Updating, checking, and following instructions on ShowingTime™ ensures a smooth showing process for buyers and sellers.

ShowingTime has soft launched the latest version for CREB® members, giving you an opportunity to explore all the new updates. 

Early last year, we heard you loud and clear when we all learned that ShowingTime™ was purchased by Zillow, and we certainly heard your concerns about the potential impact that could have in the future.

Effective Jan. 1, 2022, SentriLock will officially retire the SentriCard® as an access method for SentriLock lockboxes.

The SentriKey Showing Service® will launch for all members on Nov. 22.

In August, CREB® and Pillar 9™ announced SentriKey Showing Service® by SentriLock as our new showing request management tool. 

Since our last update in May, the ShowingTime™ task force has continued to make progress in their quest to find a new showing service provider for our members.

Since our last update on April 13, the ShowingTime™ task force has made considerable progress and we are one step closer to finding a new showing service provider for our members.

Since we last updated you on the unexpected acquisition of ShowingTime™ by Zillow, several important steps have been taken to define our way forward more clearly.

In two decades in business, ShowingTime™ has never had a series of outages like the recent ones. 

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Did you know? We’re extending the deadline to complete the CREB® MLS® System Survey to May 24, and we have several prizes available!

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