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Showing articles tagged Tools & Technology
On Feb. 28, you will see a change to the user interface and functionality of the SentriKey® Real Estate mobile app.
CREB® will be launching a new tech helpline service to provide a convenient and efficient way for members to get help with any technology-related issues.

CREA’s form to support compliance with the Federal Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Real Estate by Non-Canadian Act is now available on various platforms.

Pillar 9 is conducting an in-depth member survey to find out how agents think Pillar 9 is doing as a company, service provider, tools manager and support center.

On Feb. 1, CREB® will be launching a new tech helpline service to provide a convenient and efficient way for members to get help with any technology-related issues.

If you are travelling outside of North America for the holidays and want access to Pillar 9™ tools, you need to have a secure virtual private network (VPN) connection.

Are you looking for a way to promote your client’s property online? You can showcase your latest listings in a high-profile location on for as little as $9.

When gaining access to a lockbox, all REALTORS® should be subscribed to use the SentriKey® Real Estate app, but there are other approved individuals who may need access as well. That is where SentriConnect® comes in.

Trying to locate a lockbox at a multi-family dwelling or condo? Now you can easily find what you're looking for with SentriLock's new feature called lockbox location.

Protecting your data is important. On Oct. 20, SentriLock implemented an extra layer of security to the SentriKey® Real Estate website and mobile app.

Pillar 9™’s dual access period for OnePlatform and the legacy tool, REListUp™, has ended. Beginning Oct. 4, all listings must be input and edited in OnePlatform.

Keyboxes vary between boards and, in most cases, there are additional steps that need to be taken to access keyboxes that are not on CREB®’s SentriLock program.

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Did you know? We’re extending the deadline to complete the CREB® MLS® System Survey to May 24, and we have several prizes available!

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